Free Flight school listing

Attention All Flight schools or Aviation Academies
We at Aviation Central are running a campaign to help making young and old wanting to enter the Aviation industry life easier by having a list of schools and academies available to them on Facebook and then internet. This will run on our website and shared to our Facebook page.
Flight school listing on Aviation Central

Example of what the listing will look like
We are compiling a list of Flight / Aviation related schools in Southern Africa, to be added to the listing is Completely FREE! We are the perfect platform for this list as we are the Aviation related Facebook page with the most likes and followers in southern Africa (Excluding the Airlines) and most of our audience are the Aviation loving public. This include the Public that wants to enter the Aviation industry. This New Pilots, Cabin crew or any other Aviation related entity. The listing will be on our website, with a pinned link to our Facebook page. (Our Facebook page has the most visibility over our website)
Information we need from you to add you to our listing.
City / Airport:
Comments: (Max 20 words)
To add your School to the listing, please email the above information to
For those requiring more visibility R500pm
We will have 8 advertisement spaces on the directly listing page (On the sides of the listing table) where we will be placing an image adverts (Provided by you) with a routing to your website when someone clicks on the image. We will once a Month post that image on our Facebook page with a link to your website and or Facebook side. You are welcome to send us 50-100 words text to include with the posting of your Advertisement image. For more information please contact
Flight School Event share on Facebook R150 per share (e.g. Open day)
Are your school hosting an event where you want maximum public awareness?
Create an Facebook event page or send us a link to a website containing the event information, send us 50-100 words text to go along with the share and we will share your event for you. For more information please contact
Rent our Facebook cover image R150 per day
For Maximum Facebook exposure
As mentioned earlier, we are the perfect platform for this list as we are the Aviation related Facebook page with the most likes and followers in southern Africa (Excluding the Airlines) and most of our audience are the Aviation loving public. This include the Public that wants to enter the Aviation industry.
Our Facebook page is extremely busy and being official Media Partner to Africa Aerospace and Defense, running the official Airshow pages for Swartkop (SAAF Museum airshow) and Rand Airshow also increases our Facebook page visibility. Aviation Central Facebook book page has a Daily page reach of 40 000+ Facebook users (During peak airshow season this goes up to over 100k per day) We have an active “Likes” of 25 000 + (Aug 2018). For more information please contact
*Please note that Aviation Events, e.g. Airshows, Fly-in’s and competitions will get preference on double bookings.
Kind Regards
Flippie van Emmenis
Aviation Central
081 270 4430
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