Tag Archives: Casa 212
SAAF Casa 212s keeping busy during SA Covid-19 lockdown!
The South African Airforce as well as the South African National Defence Force, South African Police Service and other Private Security firms have been deployed to carry out a task of directing citizens of South Africa to stay at home during the countries lockdown and a further two week extended lockdown to clamp down on the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus with a number of people testing positive for the disease and a major loss of human life across the world.

44 Squadron based at Airforce Base Waterkloof, have been keeping the skies above South Africa with the transportation of essential goods including medical equipment.
Parts of the country the light transport aircraft has been tasked to help transport these goods, have been Kwa-Zulu Natal, The Eastern Cape, The Western Cape and other Provinces dealing with high risk area’s with COVid-19 patients.

Picture by Captain Mark Kelbrick

Picture by SANDF

44 Squadron SAAF is a squadron of the South African Air Force. It is currently a light transport squadron. First formed: 12 March 1944. The Squadron has a total of 3 Casa 212s, Two 200s and One 300 as part of their light transport assets.

Eswatini Airshow 2019
Kishugu Lowveld Airshow 2018
Kishugu Lowveld Airshow 2018
Friday, Midday our journey to Nelspruit in the Lowveld started by road from Gauteng, the Team for the Weekend was, Flippie & Lettie van Emmenis and Jarryd Sinovich. We got to Nelspruit Airport at about 16:00 and did our accreditation with the friendly Monica Fourie, once done we went to checking Sheba Rock Guest House our accommodation for the weekend. This was followed by a 780m quick trip to the Mini Boss music festival, this festival started with Brian Emmenis and Willem Botha arriving and a Robinson R44 shortly followed by the Flying Lions doing a sunset display before the music started. During the evening a hot air balloon did some night glows adding to the amazing atmosphere. The artists for the evening was and Willem Botha, Touch of Class and Bok van Blerk

Touch of Class

Bok van Blerk
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After a fun filled night before at Minibos,we were up early and we had the Hot Air balloons up and about filling the early morning skies above Nelspruit.Nelspruit Airport was originally the only airfield serving the region. For commercial flights, it has mainly been replaced by the new Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport.Today the airfield still has the Lowveld Aero Club where many pilots learned to fly including airshow display pilot Ivan van der Schaar. Compare to last year we were blessed with beautiful airshow weather and the days program flowed smoothly.The theme for this years show was ‘Rock The Runway’.
The show started with a Para drop from ‘Little Annie’ AN2 flown by Jon-Marc-Hill and a SAAF Casa 212 from 44 Squadron AFB Waterkloof,both had civilian skydivers and SANDF skydivers including the SAAF Golden Eagles Parachute Team. Different Harley Davidsons were part of the Cavalcade as the skydivers cam into land.Lowveld Radio Control Club flew their aerobatic RC aircraft,while a Kit fox showed off the aircraft versatility .The Bathawk showed why it can be such a great asset to tackling Rhino-Poaching in the Kruger National Park and other private reserves around the country .Airlink provided an Embraer E190 with two beautiful displays during the day.
High energy aerobatics from Team Extreme flying the MX2,Sbach,Extra 300 and Extra 330,led by SAA Training Captain Nigel Hopkins who also led the Goodyear Eagles flying Pitts S2Bs.It was the debut of the CHOC Cows Aerobatic team led by Scully Levin and also leading the Puma Flying Lions.Another airshow debut in his new colour scheme was Neville Ferreira in his Kitty Hawk based Slick 540.During the end of the program most display teams formed up in major formation which really isn’t seen at airshows in South Africa to often. Little Annie was then put through its paces in a solo display flown by Jason Beamish and Jon-Marc Hill. Ivan van der Schaar flew his Boeing Stearman with gentle aerobatics.
Capital Sounds were present from their busy schedule coming up, they’re provided the show with music from producer Ricky Fouche and commentary from Brian Emmenis ,Elvis Manene and Leon Du Plessis,making sure the public had information on aircraft and the pilots present.line technicians Phillip Smith, Elvis Manene, Eric Nkomo and Wesley van Zyl, who also raced Little Annie on takeoff with the Yamaha sponsored scooter where Wesley was blown away!.
The South African Air force was present with a 2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen operating out of AFB Makhado flown by Major Mohau ‘Doberman’ Vundla and Navigator Marc ‘Bluebird’ Wilson.The 44 Squadron Casa 212 was used as a jump ship for the SANDF skydivers.A lonely 19 Squadron Oryx helicopter was on standby if any incidents had to occur during the day, it was used when a SANDF skydiver had trouble with his canopy and landed in a field not to far from the airshow center. The Ground Liaison Officer for the SAAF aircraft flying wads Major Ashley ‘Sensei’ Naxhe who now flies the Casa 212.
Working on fire had a number of aircraft flying during the show,this including a syncro drop from four AT802s and four Hueys .They’re were called out to go put a raging fire out on the outskirts of Nelspruit. The Airshow debut of the first civilian Blackhawk in South Africa ,what a great helicopter to see flying. We also saw to great displays from Danie Terblanche in the Robinson R66 and Juba Jourbert in the Aerospatiale Gazelle who also raced a Jaguar F-type and a super charged Range Rover Sport in a relay race.
Johan Heine, Chairman of the Lowveld Air Show and Safety director Francois ‘Hosepipe’ Hanekom made sure the show flowed smoothly .Kishugus Monica Fourie and Naranda Leewner kept Aviation Central with any news and regarding the show itself and providing us with great hospitality,we thank you.
The show ended with a dusk display from the Puma Flying Lions and Fireworks lighting the night sky up, this was another great Lowveld Airshow complete the rest of the night we were rocked away from the rock band.
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Flippie van Emmenis:
“After many years of obstacles and barriers I finally get to attend the Lowveld Airshow, I had rather high expiations of the show as I followed reviews of the all the Lowveld airshows I missed in the past. This was the one South African airshow I recommended to everyone is the one that was not to be missed and they did not disappoint, Well-done to the Team at Kishugu, Brian Emmenis and all the Pilots and Support crews for this amazing weekend. Your show and hospitality was top class! ”
Jarryd Sinovich:
“.What a great show,. Really enjoyed seeing the Blackhawk for the first time, see you all next year…”
Our next Airshow we are attending will be the Matsieng Airshow and Fly-in in Botswana 26 May 2018.