Western Cape AMS Mountain Rescue during International Sailplane Grand Prix

A foreign gliding competition pilot participating in the African leg of the International Sailplane Grand Prix was rescued from high up a Western Cape mountain after his sailplane crashed (Wednesday, 23/1/25). Speaking from his bed in the hospital, he said that he was very fortunate to survive the close call and thanked the professional and efficient rescue coordinated by the South African ARCC (Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre).

It is understood that the pilot got into difficulties overhead the mountains West of Villiersdorp and was able to put the fixed-wing glider down on a steep slope some distance below the top of the peaks. Fellow pilots (also participating in the competition) that saw the crash raised the alarm with Air Traffic Control, which in turn activated the ARCC. This information and the location sent by the pilots’ onboard satellite tracking device, which pinpointed the exact crash location, assisted in guiding the Western Cape Department of Health EMS/Air Mercy Service (AMS) rescue helicopter directly to the scene.

With no level terrain to land at the scene, a Provincial EMS paramedic and MSAR Rescue Climber were hoisted down by the helicopter to the wreckage. The pilot (who was conscious and managed to provide additional information via phone) was extracted from the wreckage and hoisted in a stretcher into the helicopter.
He was flown to a Villiersdorp sports field, where Western Cape Metro EMS, SAPS Rescue, Overberg Metro Rescue management, and SAPS Villiersdorp assembled to prepare and secure a landing zone for further treatment and remain available should further resources to support the first team be required.

Several other resources, including SARZA and K9 was also on standby. The pilot was admitted to Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital with lower back injuries. He commented, “under the circumstances, I feel surprisingly well; I had what felt like at least 1 million guardian angels helping me”.
He remarked that his survival is in no small part due to the cockpit of the Jonker sailplane that he was flying protecting him during the crash. Jonker Sailplanes is a proudly South African company that designs sailplanes for local and international markets (in fact, all the sailplanes participating in this leg of the International Sailplane Grand Prix were manufactured by Jonker manufactured).
The scene has been handed to the SAPS and SACAA AIID (Accident and Incident Investigations Division) for further investigation.
The South African ARCC is the legally mandated function (South African Maritime and Aeronautical Search and Rescue Act No.44 of 2002, as amended) that coordinates all aviation search and rescue-related occurrences in South Africa. The ARCC reports to SASAR and the Department of Transport. Under international aviation agreements and ICAO regulations, the South African ARCC is responsible for aviation incidents extending South of South Africa across the international waters in the Southern Oceans down to the South pole. The Mountain Club of SA, along with many other emergency response organisations, is a dedicated SAR Unit to the ARCC.
Photos: ARCC Supplied, Brent Russell, FAI Sailplane Grand Prix

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